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三星950 PRO 256GB SSD评测

nighttob 发表于 2015-11-5 10:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 nighttob 于 2015-11-5 10:46 编辑

全新的M.2接口950 Pro优势有哪些?
The 950 Pro uses a 500MHz triple-core "UBX" controller, a small upgrade from the 400MHz "MEX" controller in the 850 Pro.

To see how hot this drive gets, we did a simply file copy of ~205 GB worth of ISO files. As you can see, the 950 Pro does run cooler than the SM951 by about 5-12 ºC, but it still reached a peak temperature of 98 ºC on the controller chip (the storage RAM itself does not get anywhere near as hot). This isn't doing hours of benchmarking in a closed box either - just a simple file copy on an open test bench. Doing this, the 950 Pro hit 97 ºC after only about a minute and 98 ºC after about 3 minutes compared to the SM951 which hit 100 ºC after about a minute and 110 ºC after only about three minutes.

What is really interesting is that until the 950 Pro hit 97 ºC, both it and the SM951 had nearly identical temperatures. In addition, during this period Windows reported identical file transfer speed of about 700-800 MB/s for both drives. After the 950 Pro hit 97C, however, the transfer speed on the 950 Pro dropped to around 400-500 MB/s which it maintained for the duration of the file copy

The SM951, on the other hand, sustained the 700-800 MB/s transfer speed except for around the 150, 190, and 230 second mark where you can see a slight dip in temperature. At each of those points the controller on the SM951 hit 111 ºC for a split second and the paused the file transfer until the temperature dropped to below 100 ºC.

Due to the fact that the Samsung 950 Pro throttles sooner than the SM951, we actually saw much lower sustained performance on the 950 Pro than we expected. To copy all 205GB worth of ISOs, the 950 Pro took about 365 seconds while the SM951 only took about 274 seconds. This translates to a sustained file copy performance of about 562 MB/s for the 950 Pro and about 748 MB/s for the SM951. In other words, while the Samsung 950 Pro does have lower temperatures than the SM951, it achieves this by being much more aggressive in it's throttling.

In our opinion, we actually prefer the earlier throttling on the 950 Pro. 98 °C may still be extremely hot, but it is much better than 111 °C.


希望三丧没在保修条款里面设置温度条款,不然一个AS SSD保修就拜拜了。


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参与人数 1绝对值 +1 收起 理由
羽落风尘 + 1 很给力!


nighttob 发表于 2015-11-5 15:26 | 显示全部楼层
dert88 发表于 2015-11-5 13:42

2楼打脸太快,至少等吹起来再说么 ...

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