overthink 发表于 2016-2-22 21:12

Pascal计算能力泄露,单精度12 TFLOPs


It looks like the Pascal GPU100 features Stacked DRAM (1 TB/s) giving it as much as 12 TFLOPs of Single-Precision (FP32) compute performance. The flagship GPU can get four TFLOPs of Double-Precision (FP64) compute performance as well.图片显示,Pascal GP100的显存带宽为1T/s   ,单精度计算能力为12TFLOPs,双精度计算能力为4TFLOPs,相比GK110,计算能力提升三倍左右。

The Tesla GPU is expected to be seen during Q2 of 2016. 在2016Q2我们即将见到此卡,现在已经Q1了,很快就到Q2{:1_506:},今年N和A在显卡领域都有新品,不知道是N压住A呢,还是A压住N{:1_498:}

davicom 发表于 2016-2-22 22:51

刚刚跨入麦克斯韦~~      继续观望~~~

GeForceTi4200 发表于 2016-2-24 14:09


Gameson 发表于 2016-3-3 10:14

单精度12TFLOPs刚好就是FURY X2的水平,一个顶两个.

lacsiess 发表于 2016-3-3 15:24

本帖最后由 lacsiess 于 2016-3-3 15:26 编辑

Gameson 发表于 2016-3-3 10:14
单精度12TFLOPs刚好就是FURY X2的水平,一个顶两个.
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